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A Body in a Station on 4 Fridays (2014)
18 minutes 10 seconds
This excerpt includes videos, still photos, and audience interviews.
A Body in a Station was a series of three-hour performances at Philadelphia’s 30th Street Amtrak station on four consecutive Fridays in October 2014. Presented by Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA), this was the first solo work Eiko conceived and performed alone. Starting midday on October 3 and ending at midnight on Oct 24, the performance times were staggered so there was precisely one week between the ending of one performance and the beginning of the next. Dramaturg Iris McCloughan, Shakuhachi player Ralph Samuelson, and PAFA director Harry Philbrick worked closely with Eiko on the project.
Video footage was shot by Ben Girnberg and photos are by William Johnston.
The video was edited by Ben Grinberg with Eiko.